A new book
designed with BIFFIPOL
published by Humboldt Books
OUT in November 2024

Casa Maria Bottero / Umberto Riva

A research project curated by Mariana Siracusa

Milan, Italy
Editing, design and communication system for Casa Maria Bottero / Umberto Riva. Photography Allegra Martin, Francesco Paleari, the first book published by Spazio, a gallery and architecture bookshop in Milan. The book was conceived together with the exhibition of the same name, on view at Spazio from March to July 2024, both curated by Mariana Siracusa. Casa Maria Bottero is an apartment designed by architect Umberto Riva for his family between 1965 and 1967. In the fall of 2023, Allegra Martin and Francesco Paleari for the first time since 1960s have fully documented the home’s interiors and objects collected over the years.

Photography Allegra Martin, Francesco Paleari
Texts Maria Bottero
Drawings Sara Merlotti
Editorial coordination Elisa Di Nofa
Typeface Aeiou Tools

Drawings Umberto Riva
Reproduction Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA)
⭘ communication strategy ⭘ book design ⭘ graphic design ⭘ book editing ⭘ social media strategy and content
Casa Maria Bottero / Umberto Riva, book launch, Spazio, May 2024, video ©Elisa Di Nofa
Casa Maria Bottero / Umberto Riva, book cover
Casa Maria Bottero / Umberto Riva, book spread
Casa Maria Bottero / Umberto Riva, photo ©Francesco Paleari, 2023
Casa Maria Bottero, video ©Elisa Di Nofa
Casa Maria Bottero, video ©Elisa Di Nofa
Casa Maria Bottero / Umberto Riva, exhibition, instagram communication
Casa Maria Bottero / Umberto Riva, exhibition, Spazio, photo ©Elisa Di Nofa
Casa Maria Bottero / Umberto Riva, exhibition, Spazio, photo ©Elisa Di Nofa
Casa Maria Bottero / Umberto Riva, photo ©Francesco Paleari, 2023
Casa Maria Bottero / Umberto Riva, photo ©Francesco Paleari, 2023
Casa Maria Bottero / Umberto Riva, book spread
Casa Maria Bottero / Umberto Riva, book back cover

Studio Sansano
An architecture firm

Bern, Switzerland
Communication strategy and social media content for Studio Sansano, an interdisciplinary practice focused on architectural transformation processes, based in Bern (CH) and run by architect Paula Sansano. The studio works in the field of architectural planning and renovation with a specialization in monument protection.

    Graphic design Atelier Pol
    Web development Roger Burkhard
    Photography Thomas Telly, Dominique Uldry, Francesco Paleari

⭘ communication strategy ⭘ social media strategy and content
Studio Sansano, Zwei Altstadthäuser, photo ©Francesco Paleari
Studio Sansano, instagram content
Studio Sansano, Zwei Altstadthäuser, photo ©Francesco Paleari
Studio Sansano, Zwei Altstadthäuser, photo ©Francesco Paleari
Studio Sansano, Haus der Musiker, instagram editorial Living the architecture, video ©Elisa Di Nofa
Studio Sansano, instagram content
Studio Sansano, Haus der Musiker, photo ©Francesco Paleari
Studio Sansano, Haus am See, photo ©Francesco Paleari
Studio Sansano, Haus am See, instagram editorial Living the architecture, video ©Elisa Di Nofa

A multifunctional space

Milan, Italy
Communication and experience strategy and design for armando, a shared workspace and location for photoshooting with design props.

Renovation and interior design
    Direction Elisa Di Nofa, Francesco Paleari
    Architectural support Daniele Iodice / DIME, Chiara Ettari / Reileta 
    Construction work Edilfiore
    Electrical work Alba Impianti
    Thermotechnical systems Scala Termoidraulica, IsoFlow
    Interior design project Elisa Di Nofa, Francesco Paleari
    Table design Alessandro Di Nofa
Identity, Website and Instagram
    Photography / video Francesco Paleari, Elisa Di Nofa
    Typeface Aeiou Tools
⭘ experience strategy and design ⭘ interior design ⭘ communication strategy ⭘ graphic design ⭘ web design ⭘ social media strategy and content 
armando, props collection, photo ©Francesco Paleari
armando, visual identity
armando, interior design, photo ©Francesco Paleari
armando, interior design, photo ©Francesco Paleari
armando, interior design, photo ©Francesco Paleari
armando, temporary bookshop, photo ©Francesco Paleari
armando, instagram editorial Armando visto da, photo ©Mattia Greghi
armando, instagram editorial Armando visto da, photo ©Riccardo Fantoni Montana
armando, instagram editorial Armando visto da, photo ©Virginia Guiotto
armando, interior design, photo ©Francesco Paleari

Golfi verdi e parquet Panga Panga. Green Gulfs and Panga Panga Parquet. Milano San Felice
A book edited by Elisa Di Nofa and Francesco Paleari
published by Humboldt Books

Milan, Italy
Design of the book launches of Golfi verdi e parquet Panga Panga, Green Gulfs and Panga Panga Parquet. Milano San Felice (Humboldt Books, 2023), a research project on the relationship between the early settlers and the urban
planning, architecture and interior design of Milano San Felice residential district, designed by architects Luigi Caccia Dominioni and Vico Magistretti.

Venite a vedere Milano San Felice
Portineria Il Girasole, Milano San Felice
April 15–23, 2023
together with BRACE BRACE
graphic design Simone S. Melis
    Pop-up exhibition and presentation
Milano San Felice. Andamento dei lavori 
Spazio gallery and bookshop, Milan
May 31, 2023
together with Mariana Siracusa

Green Gulfs and Panga Panga Parquet. Milano San Felice
Small Small Space, Milan
September 14 – October 1, 2023
together with Michele Foti, Layuhl Jang 

Buone ricette da Milano San Felice
Via Stampa bistrot, Milan
November 16, 2023
⭘ communication strategy ⭘ exhibition design ⭘ social media strategy and content  
Venite a vedere Milano San Felice, exhibition and book launch, April 2023, with BRACE BRACE, video ©Elisa Di Nofa
Venite a vedere Milano San Felice, exhibition and book launch, April 2023, with BRACE BRACE, video ©Elisa Di Nofa
Venite a vedere Milano San Felice, exhibition and book launch, April 2023, with BRACE BRACE, photo ©Francesco Paleari
Milano San Felice, courtesy archivio Condominio Centrale
Venite a vedere Milano San Felice, exhibition and book launch, April 2023, with BRACE BRACE, photo ©Francesco Paleari
Venite a vedere Milano San Felice, exhibition and book launch, April 2023, with BRACE BRACE, video ©Elisa Di Nofa
Venite a vedere Milano San Felice, exhibition and book launch, April 2023, with BRACE BRACE, video ©Elisa Di Nofa
Milano San Felice, photo ©Francesco Paleari
Venite a vedere Milano San Felice, exhibition and book launch, April 2023, with BRACE BRACE, video ©Elisa Di Nofa
Venite a vedere Milano San Felice, exhibition and book launch, April 2023, with BRACE BRACE, video ©Elisa Di Nofa
Green Gulfs and Panga Panga Parquet, exhibition and book launch, Small Small Space, September 2023, photo ©Giacomo Colombo
Green Gulfs and Panga Panga Parquet, exhibition and book launch, Small Small Space, September 2023, photo ©Giacomo Colombo
Green Gulfs and Panga Panga Parquet, exhibition and book launch, Small Small Space, September 2023, photo ©Giacomo Colombo
Milano San Felice. Andamento dei lavori, exhibition and book launch, Spazio, May 2023, video ©Elisa Di Nofa

Master in Photography: Viaggio in Italia, Come to Italy with Me (Iuav University)
A study program focused on photography

Venice and around Italy

Communication strategy and design for the Sixth edition and campaign for the Seventh edition of Master in Photography: Viaggio in Italia, Come to Italy with Me, a one-year study program focused on photography. The master program proposes as a new kind of educational model exploring the journey as a way of growth and experimentation. It is organized as a series of residencies across the Italian territory, designed and structured together with guest photographers, institutions, professionals and local partners.
   Program direction Marta Tonelli, Stefano Graziani
   Graphic design Teresa Piardi / Maxwell Studio
⭘ communication strategy ⭘ experience strategy ⭘ social media strategy and content ⭘ editorial design
Master in Photography, VII edition campaign, booklet
Master in Photography, VII edition campaign, photo ©Bianca Matalon
Master in Photography, VII edition campaign, photo ©Marco Battezzati
Master in Photography, VII edition campaign, photo ©Tommaso Mola Meregalli
Master in Photography, VII edition instagram campaign
Master in Photography, VII edition instagram campaign
Master in Photography, VII edition instagram campaign

archivio Alberto Rosselli
An historical archive of an architect and designer

Milan, Italy

Design research and communication strategy for Alberto Rosselli historical archive. Alberto Rosselli (Milan 1921–1976) was a designer, architect, author and teacher. He contributed to the Italian Design developement and theorization between the 50s and the 70s. His historical archive collects an extensive documentation of original documents, including photographs, drawings, letters and project reports, prototypes and objects.


Edited by Elisa Di Nofa, Francesco Paleari, Paolo Rosselli
Published by Quodlibet, 2022
Preface by Michele Masneri
Texts by Giampiero Bosoni, Davide Crippa, Barbara Di Prete, Kjetil Fallan, Carlo Gandolfi, Pietro Nunziante, Maura Percoco, Anna Maria Siekiera, Luka Skansi, Maria Cristina Tonelli
⭘ communication strategy ⭘ design research ⭘ web design
Alberto Rosselli, Villa Deichmann, 1950s, archive research, video ©Elisa Di Nofa
Alberto Rosselli, design prototypes, archivio Alberto Rosselli
Alberto Rosselli, sketches, archivio Alberto Rosselli
Alberto Rosselli, design prototypes, archivio Alberto Rosselli
Alberto Rosselli. Architettura, design e Stile Industria, book, Quodlibet
Alberto Rosselli. Architettura, design e Stile Industria, book, Quodlibet
Alberto Rosselli, ex Edificio De Padova, Milano, 1960s, archive research, video ©Elisa Di Nofa
Alberto Rosselli, Condominio Via Marina, Milano, 1950s, archive research, video ©Elisa Di Nofa
Alberto Rosselli, Villa Portanova, 1960s, archive research